Lets be honest, the brain is always the hardest muscle to train. Most the time it has a life of its own and it does not mind who it brings down with that.
Even if its you!
Our mindset and our bodies are so linked because from the moment we start growing our bodies are a topic of conversation. We hear the good, the bad, and the downright shady! These comments absorb into our brains and make us self critical.
So we begin trying extreme methods to "fix" our "problem areas" and create a warzone where we will not be happy until we see perfection.
Admittedly its so much harder now with the insane amount of editing software we hold in our hands. (Confession: I legit have thought I am only pretty with a cute filter from snapchat on) Its all so accessible and most the time not detectable so the lives of the perfect people we are seeing are only adding fuel to the fire!
My client felt this hard. Their body was against them at every turn. They had spent so many years feeling like they were just broken when all they wanted was to head out and live their life like everyone else was.
Side note: this client has so many additional health reasons as to why fitness is so much harder for them to achieve but their mind was still up and ready to rock when their fitness level was not.
One day they decided to give themselves one last try and reached out to me. Saying they don't know what they'll be able to do but they would like to be able to walk for longer than 20 minutes and find every day tasks a little easier.
Challenge accepted!
We started off small building their fitness level up bit by bit. Being mindful that pushing them too fast would completely burn them out.
That is when it became obvious that we as humans set ourselves the same standards as we see someone else easily achieving.
For example your friend can run 10kms, get 3 workouts in a week, cook from scratch and work full time... so why cant you?
In seeing these people achieving things that are absolutely out of your day to day life you start to see yourself as the problem even more.
This is why when I work with any of my clients we look at your fitness as personal to you. It doesn't matter what someone else is doing further down the timeline then you, it just matters what you're doing.
My clients all have such a understanding from me that we work to your capabilities rather than trying to run before you can walk and burning out or resenting your workouts. After a while that understanding starts to move over to you too.
That is exactly what my client found.
After a few weeks of training they were starting to see their wins.
After a few months of training they liked the person they saw in the mirror.
After a year of training they were making plans to do things that they were dreaming of.
and after two years of training they said to me
"Its not me vs my body anymore. We are on the same team. My body just struggles and needs a bit of support along the way, but we will get there"
That level of care and understanding for their body is the reason they keep getting back up and getting on with their fitness routine after a period of illness.
That care and understanding helps them when it comes to fuelling their body with the food it needs (as well as the foods they enjoy).
And that care and understanding has meant that 2 years after starting their journey they know that it isn't over yet, they are capable of achieving so much, they just need time!