Lets start at the beginning with a definition of an effort month
Effort Month: A month where you increase the amount you exercise in order to get a boost to your fitness and increase your skills.
This term was started by one of my clients who had felt like she had got used to the level she was working at and wanted more so she could get that buzz from her workouts again.
It was a great success, she upped her sessions and ended up making massive strides in her strength as well as increasing the amount of exercises she was able to learn.
Effort months became an exciting phenomenon with my clients with them all booking their own months and upping their potential. Many of them finding the new level they were working at was easier to maintain than they would have first believed.
Why am I telling you this?
Well this month I am taking on my own effort month and I am going to share some tips with you to get your own! The best thing about it is that your effort month is completely adaptable to your fitness and activity level right now. Even if you haven't started working out yet.
Lets break it down
Level One
For the queens who have not managed to get to the gym or fitness class for weeks if ever at all and live quite sedentary lives.
One structured workout or fitness class a week.
Increase steps each day by 500-1000 (use your phone to track)
Increase water consumption (is squash if you're a diva like me)
Add more fruit and veg to diet (notice how I'm not telling you to cut all "junk foods" out)
Level Two
For the queens who attend one class or workout a week but are still quite sedentary.
Two structured workouts or classes a week
Aim for 8-10k steps a day
Increase water
Increase fruit, veg and protein sources
Level Three
The queens you are already beasting two workouts a week and getting their steps in
Three to four workouts a week
Aim for 10k+ steps a day
Increase water and monitor sleep
Increase fruit and veg
Prioritise protein sources
These are super general and can be tweaked to completely suit your current levels and if you want to talk about your specific circumstances and what would suit you then drop me a message and I will help you figure out how to build your effort month.
For me I'm going in at level 3. With training for the 100km charity walk I need to get as many steps in at I can. Also I have seen some really exciting strength leaps with the workouts I've managed to get done so being a bit stricter and making sure my program is being completed every week will yield amazing results.
Now it is going to be challenging. The kids are off school for the first half of the month so getting my steps in will be more work but we are counting any movement at a win (and you know I'm always dragging them around National Trust properties!)
Last night started with a bang as I managed
100kg deadlifts (6, 4, 4 reps)
60kg rows (6x3)
30kg Goblet squats (6x3)
42.5kg lat pulldown (6x3)
So keep watching and I will let you know where I get to!
Are you hitting an Effort Month? Drop me a DM on Instagram so I can cheer you on or book yourself into group PT to join the fun in person.
Edit: I have now created a cute Effort Month printable which is completely free! Find it below